Results 5 comments of Gxz-NGU

小程序名称:[小小震的偏执](https://xiaofeiyang.club)(https://xiaofeiyang.club) 小程序码: ![gh_9057b207159e_344](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19837732/79643854-99697b00-81d7-11ea-8762-cc59f11b062f.jpg)

I got this problem. [root@localhost fabric-sdk-node]# node test/integration/e2e/instantiate-chaincode.js ``` info: Returning a new winston logger with default configurations TAP version 13 # ***** End-to-end flow: instantiate chaincode ***** info: [Peer.js]:...

Just make sure you have the correct images and you can build network with correct number of images.

Just a few minutes ago I just solved this problem. I found that the dependencies of node.js are wrong. I need to download the complete dependencies from the correct website....

上传图片失败。错误信息: [PicGo INFO]: Before transform [PicGo INFO]: Transforming... Current transformer is [ compress] [PicGo WARN]: compress type: lubangitee [PicGo WARN]:原始文件大小:4512k ,/Users/xxxxLibrary/Application Support/ typora-user- images/ image-20210810123857980.png [PicGo WARN]: luban 格式转换为jpg [PicGo...