Gustavo Martinez
Gustavo Martinez
Hi @jeblister, are you confirming the action after you clicked on the paginator?
Hi @theavuth9, thanks!, I will take a look at it
Hi @jeblister and @theavuth9 , I've been trying to replicate this error without success, do you have a video where you can show me the behavior?
Hi @df999 sorry for the delayed response, I like your idea, I was thinking of using [translation strings as keys]( to customize all the messages, however, with this solution, it...
Hi @df999 I was thinking about this, I will add the `$noResultsMessage` public property to customize the message by a view, but also a `$noResultsComponent` to fully customize the blade...
Hi @joserojasrodriguez thanks for raising this, I have some comments/questions - what would happen to all of our components? should we have to add the `trClass()` methods to all of...
Hi @samankassou, actually it is, there is `query` property on every view that you can access to, it is mostly for internal purposes, but as all the actions get the...
Hi yes you're right, what I mentioned is for individual actions, and using a bulk action would make the user to select some rows before. About what you're doing, I...
Hi @orware Thanks so much for raising this, this is the first time that someone is reporting this behavior but I think it makes sense, let me get this straight,...
Thanks a lot again for raising this, I will definitely change the behavior of that directive, please let me know I you're having any issues with the package, I'll be...