
Results 15 issues of UnrealProjects

Am on Godot 3.2.3 and seems resizing terrain not functioning on my end... presume need to have Godot 3.2 straight... just making sure..

Been playing with this plugin and blowed my mind on what it can do versus other terrain editors I've seen... anyway, while playing with it am encountering an issue that...

When exporting does it also save the splatmap / blendmap, RGBA?


Installed latest 2.9 on windows 10 64bit but getting Cannot find Python.exe even after setting path in Advanced menu item "Set python path". to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\SpleeterGUI\python

Has anyone else compared the extraction between both? What are your thoughts about it? Been comparing both for sometime and looks like Rx8 does a better job at it than...

Would like to see a dark GUI version or an easy way to allow users customize the look and feel of the frontend..

Adding chord key detection from the audio file will be of great help to musicians alot. Theres a free opensource keyfinder at http://www.ibrahimshaath.co.uk/keyfinder/ The author doesn't support it anymore and...

Was thinking would be great to add multi-track ogg as an output option too, to compete against stem.mp4 .... Reaper and Audacity supports that format as well, but I think...

Project still active? Any binaries available somewhere?

![mockup](https://github.com/NevilArt/BsMax/assets/261646/155816a1-a3aa-4ef8-bd9f-5bf4eebeb91f) Can you add ability to change viewcube gizmo to any 3d custom gizmo? Also, option in plugin settings to choose a 3dsmax style UI theme? Also, add a side...