QuanHao Guo

Results 32 comments of QuanHao Guo

> I have the same problem.(俺也一样) 你测出来精度是多杀

import paddlex as pdx model = pdx.load_model('VOC/output/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_epoch1/best_model') img_path = '00656.jpg' result = model.predict(img_path) pdx.det.visualize(img_path, result, save_dir='./') print(len(result)) 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6IrljZIUtw3ohE2VYM_Iw 提取码:wd3v --来自百度网盘超级会员V4的分享

``` import paddlex as pdx model = pdx.load_model('VOC/output/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_epoch1/best_model') img_path = 'test_dataset/00656.jpg' predict_transforms = [] for idx, op in enumerate(model.test_transforms.transforms): if(op.__class__.__name__ == 'Normalize'): predict_transforms.append(model.test_transforms.transforms[idx]) model.test_transforms.transforms = predict_transforms result = model.predict(img_path) pdx.det.visualize(img_path,...


> if you got "cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/Wno-cpp'" error > modify 47 line of build.py to extra_compile_args=['std=c99'], cl: 命令行 warning D9024 :无法识别的源文件类型“std=c99”,假定为对象文件 cl:...

> scale_x_y implementation is needed [here](https://github.com/WongKinYiu/PyTorch_YOLOv4/blob/u3_preview/models.py#L218). Hi, how to realize scale_x_y

```python io = p.clone() # inference output # io[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(io[..., :2]) + self.grid # xy io[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(io[..., :2]) * 1.2 - 0.5 * (1.2 - 1)...