Guillermo Cique

Results 5 comments of Guillermo Cique

I was able to get ControlNet working with CoreML on my app [Guernika]( so this is definitely possible, so far I have added preprocessing for poses, depth and HED maps...

@gavtron2000 @pj4533 thank you for your comments! I have the python scripts in my [Guernika]( repo, you can see how the Unet and ControlNet are implemented for conversion, probably not...

@Zabriskije you can contact me on Twitter or Telegram, same name, or you can leave them in [Hugging Face]( or in [Reddit]( :)

@kasima maybe this is a silly question but I see no mention of the seeds used to generate these images, did you use the same to generate each column on...

Hello everyone! I just added the option to merge LoRAs before conversion on [Guernika Model Converter](, basically it takes the LoRAs and merges them using [this script by Kohya](