> Honestly, I would rather see the heart completely removed or reduced to admin smite only than for it to proliferate in the game further. Just my 2 cents. With...
> How would you have it changed to be worth the downsides, as it is now it can heal up to 100 damage every 6 seconds (with wizard variant) I...
> Did you get maintainer approval for your species change? Ryll gave me approval on the original PR, I assume I didn't need to ask again even if I took...
> Why not check for wings as opposed to species? (I want to make my security apex predator with asimov protection) Xenobio/Miner buff. I can't do that. But on a...
> fly further While this could be flavorful, it would make Moths be a lot worse than normal security at tackling. You rarely miss tackles because you didn't go far...
Crystal grenades already felt pretty gamey but at least they took some effort to make and were balanced IMO. Now this cleansing crystal... it's so easy to make (Roundstart gas)...
> let's see if this successfully encourages atmos techs to do something other than gas synthesis or the HFR I don't think that people that enjoy the engaging side of...
One thing I forgot to comment earlier, this looks like a stupidly efficient way to neuter any SM delam. It was such a slow fight to make delams have more...
> since sm will attempt to pull any item near it With the range the crystal has it is likely that we would be able to do it from the...
On #56501 we added 2 traits to keep plasmamen as themselves and avoid some of the same issues for Highlander. I have no idea how Deathmatch works, but could be...