Hi everyone! Have you been able to figure out how to perform correctly the analysis without generating the CNVs for the controls? It is better to merge the control and...
after spliting the object, the object updated from v3? to v5... But now, I have an additional problem and an even more cryptic one... ```r seurat_merged_ATAC[['ATAC']]
Yes, the thing is like for doing this kind of processes, the FindMarkers, the data must be unified, and you do that with `JoinLayers`. But now, the integration, instead using...
I keep trying things and each time is more evident that something is not correct.... I splitted again the object, and the results states clairly that is a V5 object.......
Sorry, I cannot share the objects as they are too heavy (16 multiome assays). Anyway, I solved the problem by integrating all the RNA assays together, and then adding the...
I've no idea about what can be causing this problem... I'm waiting some help from the developers!