
Results 3 issues of GryffindorLi

您好,我在使用coco17数据集训练yolov5s时,训练出现segmentation fault,如下图所示: ![image]( 在训练中,出现segmentation fault的时间点是随机的,我曾经尝试了多次,每一次都不一样。 我的环境是pytorch==1.3.0,torchvision==0.4.1,cuda10.2。 补充:使用cuda 10.0也出现了同样的问题

Hi, I want to adapt muti-token iPET to a multi-classification task. However, all examples in the paper are binary classification. I am wondering can iPET be trained for multi-classification tasks?

## Problem Overview I tried to install `Amphion` following the setup installer instructions, but I failed at the `fairseq` installation step. ![image]( I also tried to use a newer version...