Hello! Im trying to install and configure your library but app breaks on Assets:css function. Only a blank page. Im using HMVC and a template library. Ty for your support.
``` public function isBetween($minDateTime, $maxDateTime, $closed = true, $period = 'seconds') { $isAfter = $this->isAfter($minDateTime, $period); $isBefore = $this->isBefore($maxDateTime, $period);
moment js example format output: 2019-10-27T00:00:00+02:00 I send on post to php: $test = new \Moment\Moment('2019-10-27T00:00:00+02:00'); print_r($test); echo $test->format(); $test2 = $test->cloning()->addDays(1); echo $test2->format(); invalid output =========== Moment\Moment Object (...