Results 7 issues of Onur GÜZELDEMİRCİ

What algorithm did you use to merge point clouds?

Whe I run "./plyAlign bun000.ply bun045.ply bun090.ply" output: argv[1] : bun000.ply argv[2] : bun045.ply argv[3] : bun090.ply loaded [bun000.ply].. 204800 points loaded [bun045.ply].. 204800 points loaded [bun090.ply].. 204800 points scene...

Why does this error exist? /home/san/neuvision/lib/zcore/CMakeLists.txt:15: error: Target "ZCore" links to target "Qt::Core" but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or...

Hi, I want to run in my cmake project, but I can't add library, how can I? /home/asis/ArducamCapture/main.cpp:-1 : error: undefined reference to `ArduCam_beginCaptureImage' There are errors like this Best...

Hi, When I use my data-set (extract_data.py) , python ./scripts/extract_data.py \ --source_path ./data/train_data/ \ --target_path ./data/train_data/ \ --dataset 3d_match \ --model ./pretrained/fcgf/model_best.pth \ --voxel_size 0.025 \ --n_correspondences 20000 \ --inlier_threshold...

I want to use my own trained model in libtorch, but I'm unable to do so. I'm encountering the following error. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::Error' what():...

Hi Does it create a barcode detection demo using a pretrained model? Best Regards Onur Güzelemirci