Results 56 issues of Meow

Hi Ayufan, I've created an implementation for controlling Comet Blue TRV's based upon your code. I think it would help users if my implementation gets merged into your repo. Unfortunatly...

I'm pretty sure that the pre-flight options request is not handled by the controller. This seems to be a solution: public class CorsNoopHandlerMapping extends RequestMappingHandlerMapping { public CorsNoopHandlerMapping() {...


it would be nice to have a button to send a request to the "forward endpoint" and record the response. And also be able to click a button to "update"...


When i entered a url with parameters, i would expect that during recording the requests/responses the parameters are automatically added by "queries"-parameters.


Hi, I'm currently experiencing a specific situation during development where our application sends a request-message with an invalid body (missing field). Ofcourse this needs to be fixed, but... If only...


hi Karl, I’m still using Castlemock on a day-to-day basis and discover new features all the time. One thing I still “miss” is having user-friendly insight into unmatched requests. I...


It would be more intuitive if more faces are displayed so people can choose themselves which face they would like to train