Haifeng Xie
Haifeng Xie
I met the same problem in ubuntu 14.04 + contrail 3.2.2. I sovled it by compile the vrouter.ko manully. then copy the vrouter.ko to build directory, then it is fixed....
Just cd /var/lib/dkms/vrouter, then make. you will face 2 errors, because your kernel version is 4.4. after merge 2 commits that I mentioned above make will succeed.
first you can execute netstat -an | grep 8082 to verify that api-srv listen on this port or not. if 8082 is in listening, you can try wget -q -O-...
I think it is because the network problem, rapidjson was not downloaded successfully. you can move to /opt/stack/contrail/thirt_party, all the third party packages are defined here in packages.xml. the download...
you can't just copy the zip file to rapidjson directory. script fetch_packages.py does a lot of things, first download file to /tmp directory, then unzip, rename the directory, cp to...
I met the same problem in ubuntu 14.04 + opencontrail 3.2.2. below is the log of screen-apiSrv.log xhf@Contrail:~/contrail-installer$ /usr/bin/contrail-api --conf_file /etc/contra ^Mil/contrail-api.conf --reset_config --rabbit_user rabbitcontrail --rabbit_passwo ^Mrd contrail123 --rabbit_server
Here is my experence: at the beginning, I deployed contrail with PPA package, I met this question, API server could not start, when I manually started contrail-discovery service, this step...
Have you solve this problem? it seemed scons script didn't auto generate the buildinfo.cc and buildinfo.h. I also met this issue when I was installing compute node. I copied the...
Maybe it is for scons' reason. when I changed the scons from 2.5.1 to 2.3.0, the dependency cycle disappeared.
cassandra need oracle jdk7, but oracle website had stopped supplying of the jdk7. I manually installed oracle jdk7, and remove the oracle-java7-installer, then it is ok.