Unfortunately I don't have any windows machine now and this error tells me nothing. As far as I remember I didn't use any platform dependent code, so I think that...
> if you would able to build it please add bin plugin to repository ... Just added the link to the binaries at Bintray. Compiling on windows should also be...
Yeah, some error while publishing artifacts using dpl under windows. Will continue to investigate tomorrow.
We are waiting for [dpl's issue]( to be resolved.
Dpl issue was fixed and released, so the publisher archives with binaries look good now, I can open them at least. Please check them, if you're still interested in trying...
In a nutshell: 1. You should have the latest stable QtCreator installed and its sources. 2. Clone this repository and compile the plugin. 3. Download or build DCD. 4. Open...
Actually if you built it using default configuration, the plugin would be placed into default directory that QtCreator uses to load user's plugins. But it depends on the environment. The...
If the plugins appear in QtC `Help -> About plugins` and can be enabled, then special settings will be accessible in the menu `Tools -> Options -> D` and `Build...
If you are going to build the plugin from sources you should set QTC_SOURCE and QTC_BUILD to the directories with QtCreator sources and binaries respectively. Source directory should contain
Something is wrong with your QTC_SOURCE dir. Please check if it is set to QtCreator's source directory containing file.