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Need help to build under Windows
I can't understand what Path I should to set on Windows. Now I done it's like: qmake "QTC_SOURCE=C:\qtcreator_src\src" "QTC_BUILD=C:\qtcreator_src\src\libs"
QTC_SOURCE path looks fine, but what about QTC_BUILD?
Also I tried like this: http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/27/560836f90a7ed.png
Unfortunately I don't have any windows machine now and this error tells me nothing. As far as I remember I didn't use any platform dependent code, so I think that the problem is in build environment. I will try to find windows machine soon. What versions of Qt and QtC do you use?
Qt is 5.5 what is QtC 3.5 if you would able to build it please add bin plugin to repository to get more people to test it, without long building process.
Windows 10 + QT 5.5 can use it? :)
if you would able to build it please add bin plugin to repository ...
Just added the link to the binaries at Bintray. Compiling on windows should also be fixed.
Windows 10 + QT 5.5 can use it? :)
Yes, you can try win32 binaries at Bintray or build from the sources.
Groterik , can you check your win32 builds on Bintray for this project and the qtcreator dub-manager? Every win32 zip i download is corrupted .. i cannot extract anything.
Yeah, some error while publishing artifacts using dpl under windows. Will continue to investigate tomorrow.
We are waiting for dpl's issue to be resolved.
Dpl issue was fixed and released, so the publisher archives with binaries look good now, I can open them at least. Please check them, if you're still interested in trying this :) Sorry for huge delays here, troubles with spare time as usual.