Kiriakos Antoniadis
Kiriakos Antoniadis
I would like to have it in the current Spotify integration. This would enable to see the Phoniebox as a device in the Spotify app, like a Google Home. I...
It does not look like there is a possibility with raspotify :( [](discussion) So I will try [](spotifyd) let's see how I can stop and restart the daemon properly so...
Did you try connecting the RPi via cable? What is the output of `dmesg | grep -i error` `sudo grep -i error /var/log/syslog`
We do have a script that collects information: `/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/helperscripts/` Does it make sense to enhance this with some `journalctl` commands?
> As we are currently working on a new and shiny version 3 we need to check the implications in as well. I've tested the development environment for Spotify...
> How mature is the future3/spotify branch? Can it be merged and released yet? Unfortunately it isn't stable at all. The player management and the whole WebApps are not ready...
> line 408 of uses $AUDIOVOLMAXLIMIT > \u201e3\u201c means „3“ (with fancy quotes) -> seems like a problem with the encoding of the file? Yeah, sounds like encoding. @MiczFlor...
This is an interesting approach :) Do you want to leave the Phoniebox running the whole night? If that is true then I found a nice little Python script in...
@Huemmel , How does the restart of the mopidy improve your experience? What was the problem before implementing this?
Ok. Luckily I did not experience such behavior and I'm asking myself if we should add this code in the ``