Hi @shredEngineer @wearymanateevedaknotstabooresisting, I'm asking you since you worked on previous Kraken implementations: Do you happen to have old ledger CSV exports that include staking, unstaking and staking rewards? Kraken...
Hey, I'll push my working hotfix in a couple of hours and will tag you.
To address the problem stated above, we could evaluate the price from the CSVs, store it in the operation, and later only fetch the API price data if we don't...
xD Let me know when/where I can help. Do you plan to do this approach within the same pull request or as a new issue? Since the price data has...
I'm having a very similar problem with this test example in MATLAB: ``` x = 200:300; y = uint8(x); plot(x, y); matlab2tikz('test.tex'); ``` In the generated `test.tex` file, not only...
Hi @provinzio, I finally had some time to continue working on this issue. > I am a bit confused by the statement from winheller, which says, that your "Werbungskosten" can...