Gregory Morse

Results 15 issues of Gregory Morse

`ax.plot([0,1,2], [0,1,2], label="a_b_c"); ax.legend()` Expected output: `\addlegendentry{a\_b\_c}` Actual output: `\addlegendentry{a_b_c}` which will not compile in Latex.

A very simple prototype implementation validating the paper (feel free to use this snippet as you see fit): ``` def mul_inv(a, b): #if b == 1: return 0 if a...

x86-64-win.cspec deals with __fastcall and __thiscall by simply (somewhat misleadingly) specifying extrapop="8" and letting the resolution occur in the decompiler. Really it should be "8 + args" x86win.cspec deals with...

Feature: Processor/x86
Feature: Processor/16-bit

**Description** During the square root in GNFSCore/SquareRoot/SquareFinder.cs, it will find the positive and negative roots via inverse modulo. Then it compares it to the positive and negative (inverse) original polynomial...


``` Epoch 30/30 - 6s - loss: 0.0012 - val_loss: 2.2995 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "", line 791, in opt_hyperparam_talos File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\talos\scan\",...

Any time Ctrl+C is used to interrupt running code, it will throw a `KeyboardInterrupt`. But something is going on after doing SAT solving which causes it to not work all...


Full Cython implementation equivalent to PRs #10 and #11 and #1

The paper on this topic was not very good in its complexity analysis trying to claim a constant bound in practice when it should have listed specific worst-time and average-case...

Fixes #8 for SetTrie only as well as #12 and #13. Should add the cases for the other 2 classes - its not too difficult.