Is there an option to display a footer row, similar to header row? My usage would be to display a totals row at the bottom of the table. I can...
`addprocs()` causes an error on Julia v1.8 (Windows 10). It works as expected on Julia v1.6 and v1.7. Error messages are not always the same, but always seems to be...
I couldn't work out how to match types when slurping with `__`: ``` block = quote begin north east south west end end ``` Untyped slurping works: ``` symbols =...
Use `@inline` on iterate method of Combinations to avoid allocations when creating return tuple Closes #147
It seems iterating Combinations allocates. Am I measuring this correctly? Is there a way to eliminate the allocations? ``` using Combinatorics function test1(combs) x = 0 for c in combs...
I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended. I want to display a table with a boxed border but no header. `Table(data; box=:ROUNDED, show_header=false)` omits the top border...
Can SCIP.jl be updated to allow SCIP version 9. It seems there are version 9 `jll`s for SCIP and SCIP_PaPILO: ``` SCIP_jll 900.0.0+1 SCIP_PaPILO_jll 900.0.0+0 ``` Currently, SCIP version is...
Is this the expected result? ``` # DoubleFloats v1.3.8 sqrt(zero(Double64) / 0) ERROR: DomainError with sqrt(x) expects x >= 0: ``` Differs from earlier version and Float64: ``` # DoubleFloats...
With current definition of ` y # false ```
On Windows 64-bit, Julia v0.6.4, `"CoinOptServices")` fails with the following messages: ``` Julia-0.6.4>"CoinOptServices") INFO: Building WinRPM INFO: Downloading INFO: Downloading INFO: Building Cbc INFO: Updating WinRPM package...