Greg Hilmes
Greg Hilmes
That sounds wonderful eve-alt! Will you be submitting this as an update to pokebase (so that users who want a python wrapper can download pokebase and then choose if they...
How very thorough of you, I appreciate this a bunch. Unfortunately, I didn't finish my rewrite of `pokebase` before heading off to school, and I currently don't have the time...
I don't understand your issue, could you please clarify? It appears to me that the second error occurred as a result of the first, and the first happened because the...
Can you access the API from your browser? If you are being blacklisted by Cloudflare or PokeAPI, I'd like to know that's the case, and not the wrapper. If you...
Thanks @martinohanlon ! I would implement your code fix immediately, but the Pokebase structure has changed dramatically in the past week. There's still a bit more to do, but I'm...
So here's the funny part ... the way `location_area_encounters` are shown in the PokeAPI docs, they should be automatically handled by creating `NamedAPIResource` objects (now `APIResource` objects). But they are...
Good catch! This should definitely be a separate issue - it has nothing to do with this issue. Please go ahead and file accordingly.