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chromatin Variability Across Regions (of the genome!)

Results 72 chromVAR issues
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Hello, I would really appreciate your help. I am running chromvar from a Seurat object on 29K cells and 192K peaks. R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) chromVAR version 1.16.0 Signac version...

Chromvar is a good package to evaluate the motif activity in scATAC-seq data, but I noticed some studies using chromvar have said that there should be a negative correlation between...

Hello, I am trying to install chromVAR, But I got the folllowing errors: 1: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘DirichletMultinomial’ had non-zero exit status 2: In i.p(...) : installation...

I am using chromVAR but getting such error for some files **Error in chol.default(cov(norm_mat)) : the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite** also, I tried to solve...

Hi, I am comparing deviation scores for each motif across samples. However I realized these might be biased as I see some samples have generally higher values. You mention these...

Sorry to bother you. I have calculated the TF scores of two different samples (healthy donors and tumor sample) with different peak sets and would like to ask if the...

Thanks for creating chromVAR, I have a question about whether the average accessibility or summed accessibility across cells were used in background peak selection? Maybe I missed something and please...

Dear all, I am encountering this error when running: `seurat_all

Hi, I am running into an error when using the getCounts function: fragment_counts