Problem probably is PHP and two flavors. Uninstall all PHP7.3, and make sure apache2 is configured for php7.4. If you want a quick fix prior to removing php7.3: sudo a2dismod...
Hello Daniel, There were two issues, one on AVideo server, one on Remote Live Server, and partly SSL related. Initially had the following redirect from 80 to 443 on AVideo...
Just tried yours and still doesn't work with remote nor local Live server. Live never shows up on AVideo when redirecting http to https.
I don't touch any of your .htaccess files. Nginx listens for rtmp on 1935, and https on 8443, that's it and no redirects.
Thanks for link. Did not see anything related to getting embed information based on video url. Was thinking more in line with what YouTube gives you...example below: curl '' with...
Having issues embedding AVideo videos in WordPress. Your elements looks like this: Shouldn't ombed look like this (per specification at [ - Discovery]( 4. Discovery oEmbed providers can choose to...
> also there is no username anymore, since you force everyone to use their email Native login, isn't this just a simple flag to validate (login) by username or email...
That is a terrible design and eliminates option of returning back to username as login validation. Why in the world would you overwrite username with duplicate data (email) when a...
I am definitely current on all; AVideo, Encoder, and Storage. Original video stored locally was spot on, no issues, and all I did was move to YPTStorage. Is the multiple...
Just uploaded same video to your demo site but when I went to check it, could not log back in...