
Results 4 issues of Green-m

websocat 原生支持反弹命令,类似于ncat 的 -e 参数 ``` cmd: Start specified command line using `sh -c` or `cmd /C` (depending on platform) exec: Execute a program directly (without a subshell), providing array...

**Describe the bug** I am trying to generate a beacon and run it on my mac, there is a proxy, the beacon parsed it and connect back through the proxy,...


My config file: ``` [storage] engine = file_system path = Tools directory = mackup_sync ``` My Path Finder directory: ![image]( The Path Finder would check the setting file type, if...

### Is your proposal related to a problem? For now the search results is something like: ``` { "Name": "어디에 있을까", "Artist": "Hello Gayoung", "Album": "단편집 `어디에 있을까`", "Duration": 255,...