The issue is not necessarily that SteamCMD fails. It is that AMP does not pause the stage while the login credentials (username, password, steamguard code) are entered. In your case...
This change appears to have resulted now in the subsequent update stages not being run at all. I noticed that when the prompt for Steam login credentials appears, the SteamCMD...
> I've created a new issue, as technically the steamcmd stage itself runs just fine in nightly > #835 Except in docker on Linux, where another AMP bug involving the...
This issue should be re-opened, as the bug remains/has re-emerged. Update stages that follow a steamcmd stage that requires login, fail. It seems they are run immediately after the SteamCMD...
I don't think I have noted specifically this issue recently, though the update stage logic still has quirks and anomalies
I have an instance running on Windows. All ports including SFTP port listening. Firewall rules exist for all ports EXCEPT the SFTP port.
If it's a hardcoded limit for Squad, don't you just simply update the generic template for that server to specify `MinValue` and `MaxValue` for the users setting? The template would...
`MaxValue` in configmanifest.json will achieve exactly what is needed for Squad. If the GitHub template is updated to include it, then it will apply to all instances, no need for...
I was commenting specifically on the Squad issue as described, not other use cases.
On my understanding, crossplay is enabled by default with the update