Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Results 55 issues of Eric Shimizu Karbstein

In Rust it's pretty common to have a question mark followed by a dot and the ligature: - makes the ligature unaligned with the rest of the code - makes...

stylistic sets

In Rust the dot and the question mark are always separate "operators", and it's common to do a field access or method call after the use of `?` as error...

If the language server implements [semantic highlighting]( there some theming advantages to semantic tokens that users and theme-makers could use, like: - Function parameter names can be highlighted differently within...


## Description: When I split things, close all windows and try to open something else in the same tag, all windows open centralized with a lot of unused space ![26-02-2019-00-14](

It would be a nice enhancement if doc string comments would be parsed, to provide better highlights when documenting code

This PR adds box pattern to grammar. Closes #14 Added a simple test for sanity check :smile:

Since this already supports greek characters, and that requires the feature gate `#![feature(non_ascii_idents)]` This package may as well support any unicode character as identifiers, as this feature gate allows to

Not sure if it's a proper bug, but I got myself unable to classify some symbols on Atom inside macros. Like, when I define something like: ``` '"+"' : 'keyword.operator.add'...

As reference: 1. 2. 3.

Adding a semantic modifier to variables if they are callable will make it possible for themes to colorize functions. Another option would be to differentiate variables and use a semantic...