Zimmermann Gyula

Results 39 comments of Zimmermann Gyula

At the moment of writing their weapons are impossible to create in OpenRA.

Aircraft Carriers with HunterSeeker drones would be the first step, then just tweaking their flying path would be the second step, That MissileSpawn tag actually only did that the spawned...

??? There is no progress on this atm at least none I know of. I'm just running around wildly with translating RA2 logics to a feasible OpenRA way. Which sometimes...

Parasite was also used for the Giant Squid and the Firestorm Limpet Drone worked quite similarly as well tbh.

`AttackLeap` does need fixes in some terms, since it's - as being the OpenRA equvivalent of `LimboLaunch` - the first step of the parasite system. However, those fixes would be...

I'd guess the constantly failing Travis tests would have given you a hint. @cookgreen so far hasn't really proven he holds the knowledge of doing things properly. Regarding the TS-RA2...

The RA2 low power-radar effect was an animation. The OpenRA effect is engine-generated. No idea if it'll be changed though.

Do note that fog of war is the reason why RA1 got GPS icons instead of the full-map-reveal it had. I'm not sure if recreating the shroud/FoW removal entirely wiith...

Westwood had no implementation of fog of war before TS and even the implementation within TS/RA2 was broken, which is why they were disabled entirely, with only the sprite remaining...