Levi Broderick

Results 6 issues of Levi Broderick

# Breaking change notice The type `System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver` is obsolete as warning. The method `System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver.GetEntity` unconditionally throws `XmlException`. ## Description The method [`System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver.GetEntity`](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.xml.xmlsecureresolver.getentity) will unconditionally throw an `XmlException` at runtime. If...

:checkered_flag: Release: .NET 7

## Summary `ArgumentFormatter` does not pretty-print rank-1 variable-bound arrays correctly. It prints `int[]` when it should instead print `int[*]`. ## Repro In the file __ArgumentFormatterTests.cs__, take this theory data: https://github.com/xunit/xunit/blob/c27a91f8cbcee37cb45699a3a81287bca225e876/src/xunit.v3.assert.tests/Asserts/Sdk/ArgumentFormatterTests.cs#L176-L189...

type: Bug
help wanted
area: Assertion library
good first issue
target: 3.0

See https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/38760 for more information. There is a possibility that the BinaryFormatter type might be moved out of the shared framework in a future release. Since WinForms is part of...

code cleanup

This document addresses obsoleting certain `SecureString` APIs for .NET 6. It is a type we have wanted to wind down for a while, and we have some outstanding work items...


Draft design document for how we can flatten the learning curve for using `string`, removing globalization concepts for developers who needn't be exposed to them, and widening the pit of...

> __Please prioritize this work.__ Depending on the size of the code base, there could be hundreds or thousands of warnings which require addressing. > > __This work must be...
