Nikita Grishko
Nikita Grishko
Thanks for information. Give me about two weeks I will try to make some prototype and understand whether it is possible do something about it.
Thanks, I think we can add this effects.
We know about this, I agree with that hard zoom is very awkwark operation. In version 0.2.0 we want refactor logic of magnifier.
Hi to all! Thank for your activity. At this weekend I merge all change for Qt5 to master, create version 0.1.1 and build new binaries (for WIn systems to =)...
Guys, I'm haven't any development env on my win system, can you help me with win binaries based on new tag 0.1.1 And I publish its on
Nice template for BIM, I think you should send me pull request with this file to repo/distr/windows =)
Подозреваю уже в чем проблема, в скором времени постараемся исправить.
Attached to issue #20
Hi and thanks, glad that nats-python solves your problems! About reconnects. Yes, this is a known problem (you can find a similar issue and a proposal to solve it at...
I've fixed my code to avoid the issue, so there is no rush from my side.