Yeah, I've been looking forever for 2D puppet animation in 3D support for my Godot projects. The old one I used was DragonBones for Unity, but I can't stick with...
I believe that there's already a [mod](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bubble-column-elevator-backport) for that.
Ah, okey dokey then.
Well, until he does add it, you can use the [Just a Few Fish](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-a-few-fish) mod that was first released way back in 2015. It features not only just fish entities,...
That was its first release, it's latest update (2017) is a bit closer than it's release. Sorry, I probably should have clarified it better. I forgot to mention that it...