Hello, Could you help me on this subject? The Ansible documentation is poor and there are no examples. I am trying to set up MAC filtering with a vNIC profile...
Hi, I really love your role Ansible! It is particularly suitable for my setup where the Debian installer can not do it. Could you add swap support under LVM (mkswap...
##### SUMMARY Retrieve `status` attribute of Storage Domain. I need to know if a storage domain is under maintenance or not: `status` attribute contains the information sought. The `ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_domain_info` module...
##### SUMMARY The module `ovirt_template` should be extended to support : * [disk_format](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ovirt/ovirt/ovirt_vm_module.html#parameter-disk_format) parameter like the [ovirt_vm](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ovirt/ovirt/ovirt_vm_module.html) module * [storage_domain](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ovirt/ovirt/ovirt_template_module.html#parameter-storage_domain) parameter when: * state=present * template do not exist *...
https://github.com/neillturner/kitchen-verifier-serverspec/blob/df90760efdce59ef28a15a798a9759432a37f391/lib/kitchen/verifier/serverspec.rb#L134-L143 Hello, Under Debian11 and Ubuntu20.04, the `kitchen test` command fails on this file because `apt-get install ruby` installs `ruby2.7` which provides `/usr/bin/bundle2.7` and `$(which bundle)` returns nothing. I fixed...
Hello, Do you plan to package pg_back under the Apt PGDG or Dalibo repositories? That would be great :) Best regards