`http://[IP]:[PORT]/control/status` gives `{"version":"v0.107.17","language":"en","dns_addresses":["[IP_V4]","[IP_V6]","[INTERNAL_IP]"],"dns_port":53,"http_port":45158,"protection_enabled":true,"dhcp_available":true,"running":true}` and same result with a curl from terminal addon (with -u [login]:[password])
Hi Frenck, fyi, it still occurred with 2022.11.2 best regards
Well, for me the addon works well, I can access the dashboard, it's more an issue with the integration.
@adekloet I've the same kind of structure as you, the HA addon as a primary adguard dns server, and a spare "classic" adguard home as secondary on a separate rpi....