Igor Shaposhnik

Results 8 comments of Igor Shaposhnik

I license past and future contributions under the triple MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib license, allowing licensees to choose any one at their option.

@gschian0 Could you rerun you test with `wgpu` 0.13.2? What about release build? Is it works?

Книги по Haskell предлагают `новый тип` или `тип-обёртка`

А чем mdbook лучше текущего инструмента ?

@mkpankov так может pandoc и использовать?

Я думаю нет смысла переводить эту книгу на mdbook. Сейчас активно пишут новую книгу, которая уже на mdbook https://github.com/rust-lang/book

> add a false dependency on getrandom with the js feature to make it work Nice! Sorry, I misread `rand` docs. I pushed updated pull request with `getrandom` dependency for...

From `getrandom` [doc](https://docs.rs/getrandom/latest/getrandom/#webassembly-support): > This crate fully supports the [wasm32-wasi](https://github.com/CraneStation/wasi) and [wasm32-unknown-emscripten](https://www.hellorust.com/setup/emscripten/) targets. However, the wasm32-unknown-unknown target (i.e. the target used by wasm-pack) is not automatically supported since, from the...