Gordian Dziwis

Results 67 issues of Gordian Dziwis

My workaround for env vars is to put `export $(cat .env | xargs)` into my scripts and substitutions I read with: ``` IFS="="; while read -r key value; do echo...

``` mvn -pl rdfunit-validate -am clean install jetty:run ``` Result: ``` [ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'jetty' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available...

We want to use RDFUnit in our project, for this I like to containerize the RDFUnit webservice. I like to commit my work here, so I have following questions: 1....

With longer class names the line breaks reduce readability, because there is no separating element between classes. A solution would either be to increase the width of the table of...

I am building a ontology publishing pipeline with nextflow. For documentation, reference and testing it would be nice to have a reference ontology for each profile. This ontology should make...

Hi, with this function in your `.vimrc`: ```vimL autocmd FileType todo call s:todo_settings() function! s:todo_settings() setl includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'+','','g') setl suffixesadd+=.md setl path+=~/Cloud/wiki/ endfunction ``` Pressing `gf` with the crusor on the...

Black is a PEP 8 compliant opinionated formatter. Black reformats entire files in place. Style configuration options are deliberately limited and rarely added. https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/current_style.html

Settings were: ```xml org.codehaus.mojo jaxb2-maven-plugin 2.5.0 xjc xjc com.example.myschema ${basedir} ${basedir}/src/main/resources/schemas ``` Execution lead to deleting everything inclusive `.git/. It's my fault for setting the output Dir to the basdir....

Hi, I will adopt this deployment to podman, which means I will reuse the images and wire them in a podman pod together. Would you be interested in a pull...