
Results 10 issues of Goon83

Hi FastPFor, We recently tried the FastPFor on short typed data. It does not work. The normal int (32 bits) works fine. Any underlying restriction on that ? Thanks for...

Hi All, Hope you are doing well under current virus epidemic situation. I understand that you may have important things to do now. I just posted an error information here...

help wanted

Following some examples to learn the halo function in DASH. One question is about how to specify the width of halo layer without StencilSpec. I found most example codes use...

Hi All, Another question regarding the function availability of DASH. What will happen if I change the distribution (block size, halo layer) of a existing Matrix ? Will the DASH...

Mostly follow the steps listed here : But, no luck on my Mac 10.14.6. After much of pain to install PAPI, remove -lrt and other issues like malloc.h. Code...

Hi, I am testing the HDF5 support in DASH. It reports compile error for 1D data at compile time. Could you help to look at it ? See below for...

Hi, Is it possible to create a local matrix per MPI process? It is like MPI_COMM_SELF for file creation. Then each MPI process access its own data. Thanks, Bin

Hi, Met another problem in DASH. I tried to embed the below code into ArrayUDF. The compiler says that "unsigned long long" is not directly supported in DASH. The conversion...

Hi, Sorry for too many questions here. I am developing a DASH plugin to ArrayUDF and had a question about the NumDimensions. It is a template parameter to the Matrix...

Hi All, On the Mac ( with its default Makefile, I am testing the below simple example code to understand how DASH works. It gives me some confused results. I...