> would it be possible to increase it in 1v1 only? I assume that would alleviate the lag considerations > Why is pregame's queue limit 30?
Add a tickbox at the top of the unit marker config menu that lets it work as a spectator, provided you're not in fullview. It would be useful for knowing...
Many settings in epicmenu_conf have the `springsetting` key. This causes them to read their value from springsettings, and set springsettings when they are changed. All menus have a "Reset Settings"...
Apparently this exists now > You can type /showpathtype to see traversability without having a unit selected. It's easiest to use if you bind keys for various units. For example:...
See Basically, make a simple API that controls what happens inside AllowUnitBuildStep. Apparently there is a plan to rewrite the economy in the engine internals, so having something ready...
A list of issues to do with modifying attributes dynamically.
A typo in modrules won't be discovered until units start gaining health when they deal damage (due to default engine experience). Probably worth fixing to help modders, might have to...
Add four buttons to the units tab called "launch missile X", one for each type. They probably go on ASDF below their relevant missile. The commands for these buttons causes...