Google Code Exporter
Google Code Exporter
Original comment by `[email protected]` on 24 Jun 2011 at 6:30 - Added labels: **Milestone-ReleaseNext**
``` Would it be possible for you to send me 3 or 4 consecutive DCM slices from your set so that I can test on my side? ``` Original comment...
``` Problem is an issue with DEV.4026 - also works in 64-bit v9.8.3784 ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 29 Mar 2011 at 12:08
``` Do you mean that the problem is still an issue with 4026, or that it's NOT an issue? ``` Original comment by `cpbotha` on 22 Jun 2011 at 9:15
``` Uhm sorry for the confusion (my bad). It *is* a problem in 4026, but NOT an issue in either 32-bit or 64-bit 9.8.3784. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on...
``` Here is the same error. Still cannot see why this is a problem with 4026 and no problem with 9.8.3784. This file was part of a set where the...
``` Here is one of the offensive files. Unzip to extract the Gipl. ``` Original comment by `[email protected]` on 21 Sep 2011 at 8:15 - Changed title: **ITK reader (GDCM)...
``` executing part 0 of DICOMReader Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/mathieu/Downloads/devide-re-vDEV.4026-lin64/devide/external/vtkPipeline/", line 415, in wx.EVT_BUTTON(parent, classdoc_id, lambda e, s=self: s.show_doc()) File "/home/mathieu/Downloads/devide-re-vDEV.4026-lin64/devide/external/vtkPipeline/", line 727, in show_doc self._vtk_obj_doc_view =...
Original comment by `[email protected]` on 9 Mar 2011 at 3:12 - Added labels: **Type-Defect**, **Priority-Low**, **OpSys-Windows**, **Component-Scripts**
Original comment by `[email protected]` on 24 Jun 2011 at 6:25 - Added labels: **Milestone-ReleaseNext**