Chris Parsons
Chris Parsons
This would be a fantastic feature for public servers. It's often unpredictable how many players will be in a server, so it's difficult to run small or large maps since...
Ahh ok, now that you mention that, it does make sense. In the custom campaign, I had a portal on the metal frame in the middle of the hallway -...
Sorry, should have been more clear. The above screenshot has 3 textures overlapping on eachother. See below 
allow spawning player entity outside the level If it's feasible, this would be the best improvement in my mind. It wouldn't be jarring for normal players (they'd never even notice...
> Why do you open editor with mod in the first place? I'm pretty sure he's looking for a way to convert maps that were developed for a conversion mod...
It's probably not something that will be important in most cases, I simply reported it because it seemed like a bug. ED told me about it because he noticed it...
That's a good point, especially for some run maps. Maybe it could be a clientside option in that case? That way if a client wanted to use it to tell...
I agree, this shouldn't be actioned. The assets are available for anyone who wishes to use them (as some maps have already), which is a better approach than is suggested...
This would be related to the placement of triggers/config of scripted sequences in the level file, rather than an issue with the Dash Faction patch. That said, if you could...