Hi, recently I have finish a feature: target rebalance. It can make the load of prometheus more balance. Why: 1. The access frequency of deferent job is not the same;...
Hello, I have finished a feature that support global targets. - What is global target? 1. Global target will scrape by every prometheus instance. 2. Global targets are those jobs...
I found that after scale down, the pod may be created again because the pod still terminating. Here is the code: ` func (s *shardManager) Shards() ([]*shard.Shard, error) { pods,...
### What did you do? We use file discovery for target discovery, and save the files in the same directory. ### What did you expect to see? each job only...
Currently, dockin-opsctl cannot specify the dockin-opserver after compiled. If you want to change the dockin-opserver endpoint, you should update the 'remoteHost' in internal/common/url.go. It should be optimized in the future.
Update example: update container name
Using Makefile to build project repeatedly will encounter error