Thomas Marrec

Results 45 comments of Thomas Marrec

Good idea! I think the example should use the [router-module]( to support `IonicVueRouter` then. I don't have much time to look at it now, PRs are welcome 👍

Hey @gustawdaniel, thanks for opening a PR, similar to the comment you mentioned on the issue, could you please add a working example? ```ts import fastify, { RequestGenericInterface } from...

There's a branch [here](, "in progress" in the [Road to v1 project](, wait & see 😄

Hey there 👋🏻 , Thanks @jrgarciadev for this amazing UI lib! We ran into this issue today and it's still showing an error stating the Prop id isn't matching: ```Warning:...

> Hey @Gomah thank you for using it 🙌🏻 > > Did you include the `NextUIProvider` in your main file? Yes, we followed the installation guide carefully, actually if...

Hey @PaulBouisset, did you configure custom prices for this specific country? [From the docs]( > If you don't include the `@inContext` directive or provide a country argument that doesn't have...

> I am just not sure how to build the query with the shopify client from nuxt-shopify. Here's an example: You need to use the `unoptimized` SDK version, don't...

Correct, Nuxt uses [devalue]( to [stringify]( Shopify's [GraphModel]( and it's failing.

Hey @aykodesmedt, have you tried using the following: ```ts let checkout = await this.$shopify.checkout.create(); const giftCardCodes = ['yourGiftCardCodes', 'anotherOne']; checkout = await this.$shopify.checkout.addGiftCards(, giftCardCodes); ``` It's not document yet, but...

@aykodesmedt Didn't get much time to look at it yet, feel free to [email me](mailto:[email protected]) with more details 👍🏻