Gokul NC

Results 50 comments of Gokul NC

It seems Google does a lot of verification to ensure the translation request is from the browser by real human. I guess it would be difficult to crack it to...

You might also face this error if you also have `albumentations` library installed, because of the following old `imgaug` dependency version they have locked: https://github.com/albumentations-team/albumentations/blob/eb4c16330e7bb7a5797f4e26799c892c864e7d27/setup.py#L8

It was great to know that label-studio 1.5.0 was released! 🎆 Would be helpful if the [npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@heartexlabs/label-studio) is updated as well :) Thanks! --- CC: @nicholasrq

English-Marathi CoViD19 Monolingual Data and NMT Benchmark: https://github.com/loresmt/loresmt-2021

This should help you get started: https://github.com/hellohaptik/spello Or you can also try to extend this: https://github.com/R1j1t/contextualSpellCheck

**Global Voices: News Summarization** Indic Languages: Bengali Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.00421v4 Download link: https://forms.gle/gpkJDT6RJWHM1Ztz9

6k parallel sentences from IIIT-H: https://github.com/mrinaldhar/en-hi-codemixed-corpus Paper: https://aclanthology.org/W18-3817.pdf

CALCS 2021 Eng-Hinglish dataset: (10k pairs) https://code-switching.github.io/2021#shared-task-1 Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.09625.pdf

No Anoop, I am not sure.. @kaushal-py , any idea?

Another similar one: https://github.com/project-anuvaad/parallel-corpus