
Results 8 issues of Godlikemandyy

When I read a pdf file, I found page.extract_text() to get the texts what has a lot of dislocation, eg: the image of pdf is following: but I get the...


What do I need to do if I want to achieve this! Thank you!

你好,我试着跑了一下bert_corrector.py代码,发现文件编码的错误,具体如下: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/soft/bert_for_corrector/bert_corrector.py", line 73, in d = BertCorrector() File "D:/soft/bert_for_corrector/bert_corrector.py", line 23, in __init__ tokenizer=bert_model_dir) File "D:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\transformers\pipelines.py", line 2727, in pipeline framework = framework...

@jsvine I have a new situation. I solved the previous problem by adjusting y_tolerance, but I encountered the following problem with the new document. The document format is as follows:...


大佬,你好: 尝试跑了一下elt_span_transformers发现报了一些错误: 2021-01-26 14:49:24,295 - transformers.tokenization_utils - INFO - Model name 'transformer_model_path' not found in model shortcut name list (bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, ber t-base-cased, bert-large-cased, bert-base-multilingual-uncased, bert-base-multilingual-cased, bert-base-chinese, bert-base-german-cased, bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking, bert-lar...

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. 一共准备了300多条数据,二八分为测试集和训练集;微调用的参数和项目一样; 数据集准备是按照下面的方式准备的问答对,没有涉及多轮问答,history设置的是空list: ### Solutions 测试了一下微调后的效果,发现有点不太说人话,而且不同的问题重复回答同一个答案,并且感觉丧失了一些通用领域问题的回答能力: 想了解一下,出现这种现象是什么原因造成的? 如果微调用的数据集使用多轮对话的,会避免或者较少这种问题吗? 或者是不是其他微调方法会更好一些呢,比如说lora,或者全参数finetune? ### Additional context 顺便想了解一些微调后evaluate结束后的指标值是啥意思,能不能给出一些指标的详细介绍和取值范围,要不然不太清楚如何评价微调后的模型效果好不好。 期待解惑,坐等!!!

I want to achieve a small function, that is, the formula and equation can achieve step by step calculation.But I looked through the documentation and didn't see any code examples,...

直接运行命令`python convert.py`有以下错误: TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pos_ids' 请问这是什么原因造成的?