Spoofng -> Spoofing
Привет, я тут написал [преобразование из строки в число](https://gitlab.com/goblenus/string_to_number), может сольём проекты и выложим в pypi?
Need help with skipped tests: * test_search_sorting_views_asc * test_search_sorting_views_desc * test_search_sorting_favorites_asc * test_search_sorting_favorites_desc * test_search_top_range
Acording [this docs](https://developers.google.com/youtube/2.0/reference#youtube_data_api_tag_media:description), max length of description is 5000 symbols and there are some forbidden symbols "". I think you should check this cases.
When you try to get messages from channel with offset you get {'result': 'FAIL', 'error': 'RPC_CALL_FAIL 400: OFFSET_INVALID', 'error_code': 71}. I fixed it by using another command code (from here:...