Dominik Macháček
Dominik Macháček
Yes, go on, Nikolai! I'm using your GoogleScraper in my own project, but only for parsing Bing SERP. It would be gorgeous if I was able to use it more.
It crashes. Dne 6. 10. 2017 17:18 napsal uživatel "Guillaume Klein" < [email protected]>: > Did the process crash or freeze? > > — > You are receiving this because you...
> The total number of model parameters must be divisible by the number of GPUs. It’s a limitation of NCCL that we have not yet worked around. Then, what is...
> Maybe we can file an Issue with Nvidia? They’d just need to add an additional “actualSize” parameter. Please, do. > The 5 GPUs might have worked out because your...
Hi, I'm having the same ``Cublas Error: 13`` error: ``` ... [2020-09-30 12:00:55] [config] Model is being created with Marian v1.9.0 ba94c5b9 2020-05-17 10:42:17 +0100 [2020-09-30 12:00:55] Using single-device training...
I'd also appreciate multiple sources. This sounds weird generally, but in my research it makes sense. I compare impact of different preprocessing strategies.
@choko Sure: Dominik
Whatabout simple conditinal lowercasing, if the sentence is all uppercase? BITTE NUMMER ABGLEICHEN! => Bitte nummer abgleichen! => Porovnejte to s číslem, prosím.
have you tried it? Of course it won't be optimal, but it could be better.