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Minh Hoàng Tiến
Please check that the `marketAddress` and `programAddress` actually existed on testnet/devnet. Check the `marketAddress` and `programAddress` [here](https://github.com/project-serum/serum-ts/blob/master/packages/serum/src/markets.json) Also I think testnet don't have Serum running, but devnet does. Here is...
Maybe you can rewrite this function in `OpenOrder` class to get all orders without filtering them by market. And then find your order using `clientId` or `orderId`. But hopefully they...
This is actually related to how Solana work. Each account will have many related accounts called `Associated Token Account` and Solana support a program called `Associated Token Account Program`. Those...
The `Connection` is set to the wrong Solana Cluster Please try to change it to `new Connection('https://solana-api.projectserum.com')` as the `programAddress` is the Serum DEX V3 on Mainnet Here is a...
@TandK8600 Look like your error is a network error, not library related. Maybe try to test the connection using cURL and then solve the network problems before doing anything with...