I also get the problems,data["img_metas] are on the cpu,but onnx need on the same device. Are you save it?
> Thanks for adding to this issue. and lazyconfig both do not work with the LVIS models / configs and it is not clear how to do basic inference...
> 您好,大佬 请问下这个问题应该如何解决呢,谢谢 **ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_MultiScaleDeformableAttention)** hi,have you save this problem,I also meet it
> 我是使用mmsegmentation 平台,然后转onnx有很多问题, 你部署成功了吗 可以联系我吗
> It is a problem of the mmdeploy version. I solved it by using the version 0.14.0. @goldentimecoolk When I convert the model to tensorrt, I want to infer it...
@monologuesmw hello,I meet the same problem, and I want to use C++ API to deploy the tensorrt engine. Can you achieve it? please reply~
@calebhemara hello,do you achieve the segmentation model convert. I meet some problem