Hey, Love your services but they're giving 500 errors for a while now (see Any chance it could be fixed? Thanks!
Sorry I just realised this is the same bug as in issue #255 but my tests make it more clear.
That would be even better! I was going to suggest doing like Photon and having _i0.wsrv.nl_, _i1.wsrv.nl_ and _i2.wsrv.nl_ or just allowing any subdomain but apparently with HTTP2 that doesn't...
Wouldn't this be the same as having a border (#134) with colour transparent?
1. I'm sorry maybe I wasn't clear. With 'you' I meant you as the user. So if I want to use those features on my site and have your images...
I guess the `Vary: Accept-Encoding` header is added by Cloudflare as well? Since I don't think you use any encoding. Chrome will just ignore the immutable directive so you could...
@izuzak Both and still give 500 errors. Hope it can be fixed. Also in the about and readme you have links to which don't work anymore (should...
Same as #7. You're supposed to escape the ampersand yourself:
By the way if you submit the xml directly in the URL obviously the response never changes so you should have something like `Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable` (longest cache possible).
This is just a basic question of URL encoding. You can use something like `encodeURIComponent()` or just replace the ampersands (& / &) with %26: