This is an enhancement proposal for the retrograde feature. Currently, the given API provides the information whether the Celestial Body at a given Origin is in retrograde or not (boolean)....
Is there a way to find out from the existing generated Horoscope object whether the sun and moon are eclipsed? I checked the Ephemeris.mon.position and could not find any information,...
Currently, aspects are generated per Origin. This enhancement proposal is to include a method, that would generate Aspects based on two given Origins. This would be very useful for any...
According to the given quick documentation, after instantiating the Origin and consequently using it to instantiate the Horoscope, the Houses should be calculated and ready to be found at Horoscope.Houses....
It would be really nice to include additional complex aspects among which the most prominent once are: T-square(90 degrees among three bodies), Grand Trine (120 degrees among three bodies )...
Would be nice to have the methods wrapped in a promise, or adding a callback at the end of the download action. Could be useful for example for being able...
I noticed the Eclipses are mentioned among the Future work. It would be great to have this feature as eclipses, both lunar and solar have significant impact in astrology.