Alessandro De Angelis

Results 16 comments of Alessandro De Angelis

Right now there isn't an argument to decide the image resolution, but I will plan some work on it

Hey @Getty-13, reacomiconline has introduced cloudflare as ddos protection a couple of months ago I think, another user have reported [this issue](, sadly I don't have a workaround yet

Thank you for the suggestion @igorrates! If it is just a domain change it should be a straightforward change, by the end of the week I'll try to plan a...

Sorry but currently I can't provide any fix, hopefully, in 2/3 weeks I'm going to work again on this project.

Hi @igorrates, thanks for reporting this issue! seems like that the scraper logic needs an update, I will take a look asap!

I can't provide a fix, readallcomics is broken

Following the issue #110 Have you tried using the ".ru" domain? Because if I remember correctly has ~~cloudflare has ddos protection~~ a captcha that appears after a while

> Was added to v0.33.3 ? I did a quick check and realized that it was partly added, I will ship a fix soon for that!

@ObiSandwich here's a [pre-release]( with a possible fix, could you please try it out? I'm also planning to add a check that logs if the captcha appears

> Got lots of different text below the command this time around and ended up with the error below; Really sorry, I left some debugging print text 😄 > Not...