Giorgos Kontopoulos

Results 12 comments of Giorgos Kontopoulos

With solving the problem of nested optgroup when the data-i attribute is not present

for me it was related to font rendering and to fix it had to add `tests/backstop/backstop_data/engine_scripts/puppet/onReady.js` ```js module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp) => { await page.waitFor(() => { return...

Confirm the same problem first comment was very helpful

I can confirm the ops behaviour same platform (ubuntu as well) Running `window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));` in the console fixes it

This worked for me > .mfp-bg, body.mfp-zoom-out-cur { overflow: hidden !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; height: 100% !important; }

This is what worked for me > .mfp-bg, > body.mfp-zoom-out-cur { > overflow: hidden !important; > margin: 0 !important; > padding: 0 !important; > height: 100% !important; > }

I think this project does not integrate with sveltekit, it started before sveltekit was released and it has stayed independent of it. Indeed it would be a great improvement to...

navigation arrows is something that someone would expect from a swiper/slider library, and perhaps it is somewhat a turnoff that it does not have already. +1 for discussing implementing prev/next...

@joe223 thanks for the answer, but still not clear. Do we expect the prev/next arrows on version 2 ? any estimate on time ?

Fixed invalid json in package.json replacing double quote " with single quote ' ``` "prepare": "npm run vite-workaround", "vite-workaround": "find node_modules/@material/ -name '*' -type f -delete" ``` After running `npm...