Hi, Thank you for the excellent work! I read the paper recently and found that the baseline methods use the patch around the harris keypoints as input. So did the...
Hi, Andy Zeng: In the calculation process of info matrix given by [here](http://redwood-data.org/indoor/registration.html), the q_star is the ground truth correspondence point in original Q, while i find that the Q...
Hi, Thank you for sharing the excellent work! I want to try film on my own dataset, but the full film is a little heavy for my device. I had...
Hi, Thank you for sharing your excellent work! I have a question about the algorithm when i read the paper. After the local pattern of each voxel are transformed, they...
Hi yewzijian: I am trying to train the model on my own datasets, but the model output 'nan' when training several epoch. I find the 'nan' are always coming from...
Hi, Thank for sharing your excellent work! May I ask when will the 5.0 version dataset be available? Sorry for disturbing you.
Hi, Thank you for sharing this annotation app! I relabeled poses of several scenes and CADs that were given in Scan2CAD dataset and read the data by pymongo, getting the...