
Results 9 comments of Gildedter

Didn't work for me, I just stuck with one style...

Mine doesn't even render and spits out `tabler-icons-svelte doesn't appear to be written in CJS, but also doesn't appear to be a valid ES module (i.e. it doesn't have "type":...

Having the same issue ``` PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AppxLog Time ID Message ---- -- ------- 8/22/2022 3:08:21 PM 603 Started deployment Remove operation on a package with main parameter Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_3001.14.1962.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe and...

Not sure if my issue relates to this but when I do this: ``` // script import { Status, type Period, type IStuff} from "$lib/types"; // types.d.ts // html //...

Just updated to 0.13.3, and I'm having issues importing these (`Table`, `TableDefaultRow`), error: ```Module '"flowbite-svelte"' has no exported member 'TableDefaultRow'.``` from my typescript compiler.

> Can you try to remove package-lock.json and node_modules dir and then install it again. > > ``` > rm package-lock.json > rm -rf node_modules > npm i > //...

I have a scenario where my object array (the data source of my table) has a key, and based on that key I want to change the row's background color,...

Facing a similar issue ![image]( ![image]( removing the `isNavigable` property removes the error (with just the event assigned), but without that property, no event would fire, I just pasted the...